Along the way, I got to speak with many people on the subject. Here's the link to my article, called "Blue Gold," and at the end it mentions these people as a list of references but I wanted to mention them again here.
Mary Lance produced a documentary called Blue Alchemy - Stories of Indigo. It's stunning work and Mary was gracious and kind in answering my questions. She even overnighted a copy of the documentary. Her website is here.
Coastal Discovery Museum at Honey Horn. Indigo is grown in the Heritage Garden. This is on Hilton Head Island in South Carolina. Their phone number is 843-689-6767. Carlos was super helpful on the phone and is in charge of the Heritage Garden. This is not a formal garden but is very much a backyard growth of experiments. They try to keep vintage plants alive in this section. So cool.
In Charleston... If you haven't been here, you MUST go. This place is outstanding and so are the people that run it. The Charleston Museum 360 Meeting St., Charleston. 843-722-2996.
The one-woman, historical presentation on Eliza Lucas Pinckney by living-history interpreter Peggy Pickett is outstanding. 843-815-5311. Peggy is a wealth of historical information. No, really. That sounds like I'm just being nice but this woman knows her stuff. She has that love of her subject, which translates when she speaks about it. Call her and book her for your group or tour.